Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hannah Montana Forever

Ok, so I know what you were all thinking, "Wait Miley Cyrus said she wasn't going to make anymore Hannah Montana. That she's had enough and she needs to work on her studies." Well guess what? There is a new Hannah Montana series and if you ask me it's better than the old seasons. I mean u got old characters and new characters combined and then you've got your teenage problems, and then you have the living a double life thing. Its the whole complete Hannah Montana package! She also has new songs to go with it like, Ordinary Girl, and Are you ready. She sings part of Are You Ready in the first episode.
Miley Cyrus has gone from Disney Channel's sweet heart, to Pole Dancing Teen Drama, to a regular girl. Everyone was so caught up in the "old" younger Miley Cyrus, you know when she was, um FOURTEEN!!!, but now she's basically a young woman. She dates guys, she drives a car, she shops around, she goes to wild parties, GOSH PEOPLE SHE'S HAVING FUN!!! and that's what we havent noticed. Back in 2008-09 she was trying to tell us something "im not a kid anymore please stop treating me like one" And some of us took tht as "IM GONNA SHAKE EVERYTHING AND TAKE MY CLOTHES OF INFRONT OF EVERYBODY!!!" but no that's not what she said...obviously. But she has really grown up, she now has a new album out, Cant Be Tamed, and A NEW HANNAH MONTANA SEASON!!, and she is going to colledge! I'm very proud of her, and I have to say she's kinda like a big sister figure to me I look up to her and she's a great "big sister to me" and a great role model to not just me but to many other kids out there and i wish her the best of luck on her "journey".

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


JUSTIN BIEBER FT. USHER-SOMEBODY TO LOVE OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEOok so first what up with justin just putting his fist up in the sky???? What is that for!!!? and second he can’t lip sink! now dont get me wrong i LOVE Justin Bieber but the dude needs some practice. Then there’s a girl who’s like ALL OVER him….i mean really if your gonna do that GET A ROOM! Also I REALLY wanna play hide and go seek with him….akward. Then random dust flies all over while they randomly dance in the middle of no where…uuum exuse me but uum WHAT UP WITH THAT! Then Usher comes into it…two words…MESSED UP! He totally messed up THE Justin Bieber I mean no one wants to see Usher if we did we’d get tickets to see Justin Bieber and an Usher concert but we don’t now do we. RETORICAL QUESTION. Then Justin comes back falling on the floor with the rest of the domino’s then he flips his hair…i mean don’t get me wrong we all love THE JUSTIN BIEBER HAIR FLIP but in the music vid…dude come on. NO! Then a random girl comes oput shakes herself and they don’t show her anymore…what up with that! And then Usher and Justin Bieber are magicaly transported into a room with fire all around…dancing…if i was in a room with fire all around i’de run not BRAKE INTO SONG WITH MESSED UP DANCE MOVES!!! Also Justin likes to yell when he sings. Then they dance with backpacks…WHO RANDOMLY TAKES OFF A BACKPACK AND STARTS DANCING WITH IT!!!??? OBVIOUSLY JUSTIN BIEBER! But Justin Bieber is a decent dancer i mean he can do teh coreographed dances very well but then he dances alone and your like…akward. overall awesome video GOOD JOB JUSTIN BIEBER! LOL